Beyond the Hype: How AI and Analytics Are…

New Delhi [India], November 13: In the era of the new normal, clients are continuously ‘on the go’; thus, digital marketing channels, such as AI, data analytics, and mobile optimisation, are becoming the new way…

A Deep Dive Into Integration Testing and Functional…

New Delhi [India] November 6: When it comes to software development, building apps that are smooth in the running and offer the user’s desired functionality is very necessary. This means delivering high-quality software/apps with everything…

Bringing Back the Voices of Loved Ones: iAVATARS…

Hyderabad (Telangana) [India] October 16: iAVATARS brings a heartwarming innovation that keeps people connected with the voices of their loved ones, even after they’ve deceased. Imagine asking, “Hi Mom, how’s the weather today?” and hearing…